I planted some fall foodplots this week. The way that I chose to do it was to put some strips inside existing summer plots. The fall plots are oats, brassica and clover. My intention is to give the wildlife a buffet where they can find everything that they like.
This is the soybean field at the driveway. Every plant in this field has been grazed down to a uniform height.
This is the soybean field by the orchard. I disked up some strips in the soybeans. In the outboard strip I planted oats. In the inboard strip I planted brassica. These should be a smorgasborg for the deer thru Christmas.
The clover plot below the pond has some strips in it too with oats and brassica.
The clover in the main field was losing a battle with weeds but it has come back pretty well since Dave mowed it for me.
Joan and I watched a coyote cross the field outside our dining area on Sunday morning. It's surprising that we haven't seen a coyote or a fox on camera in a couple of months. Here's a few other random critters though.
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