This week, there was 3/4" of rain in the gauge. The garden was thirsty and this rain was appreciated. The corn looked much better and we may even get some to eat. Unfortunately, it may be ready for picking next weekend but we're going to Peoria to visit Amy.
There are some tiny little watermelons starting to appear.
The cantalope look pretty small and the vines don't look very happy. I harvested one just to give it a try. Last year I waited too long and they rotted.
It's small but it looks pretty good. I left a dozen or so more like this in the field.
It really wasn't quite ripe yet but it was not bad. I hope that they will be just right when we come back in two weeks.
I'm not too sure what this is - must be a melon of some sort. I didn't think that I planted anything other than watermelon and cantalope. Time will tell - the vines look healthy so there should be lots of fruit.
The zuchinni are doing pretty well but Joan has had enough of them. I don't mind the zuchinni bread at all.
For some reason, I planted three types of bush beans and they are all producing quite nicely.
We had them for dinner and Joan also blanched and froze a bunch of them.
Unless a catastrophe happens, it should be a good year for pumpkins.
Joan thinks I might jinx it by saying so...
Some are already turning orange.
The old apples and pears are doing great. The cherry trees look to be about dead. My new orchard is in a state of neglect and I really need to spend some time on those trees soon. They need weeded, sprayed, cages expanded, and pruned once it's colder.
The green apples are edible right now but not really ripe. They are my favorite when ripe.
Two varieties of pears.
The sunflowers are just past peak bloom.
The brassica got just enough rain to start germination - I hope it gets enough to continue.
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